The Campaign to Reform SEIU Local 888

More Departed Staff

The following should be added to The List of Departed 888 Staff:

Atty. Joshua Coleman, hired in early 2008 as Director of Grievances & Arbitrations. Position eliminated in March/April 2008.

Atty. John Maher, retired Arlington town counsel, hired as a bargaining representative in April 2008, resigned approximately three months later.

Atty. Marsha Graham, hired February 2008 as Director of the Member Resource Center, laid off on October 17, 2008 "due to serious fiscal issues."

Long-time staffer Tina Hayes, who represented members in grievances that came through the MRC, laid off on October 17, 2008 "due to serious fiscal issues."

Atty. Glenna Wyman, bargaining representative hired in March 2008, laid off on October 17, 2008 "due to serious fiscal issues."

Unknown attorney hired to start as a bargaining representative on October 20, 2008, notified October 17 or over the weekend before his start date that his position was eliminated due to serious fiscal issues.

Related news as of 10-19-08: Patrice Devin is expected to staff the Member Resource Center, overseen by staff attorney Harold Jones, hired in April 2008.

(Devin is infamous among the staff for creeping around the office and listening at closed doors so she can report them to Segat for their supposed disloyalties. In no way should she ever be trusted to give advice on even a Step 1 grievance. She simply has no clue. - Change888)

That is the extent of the MRC staff.

It is rumored that grievances will now be handled by Local 888's four "Engagement Representatives," three of whom were hired in February 2008 with no union background/experience and no training.

Local 888's "serious fiscal issues" rumored to include the following: E-Board treasurer Fred Fantini's recent review of 888's books raised concerns about solvency; post-Columbus Day meetings with state officials indicate projected layoffs may substantially reduce dues revenue; high legal bills incurred for, among other things, arbitrations assigned to outside counsel after loss of internal legal staff, and legal responses to chapters seeking to decertify.

October 19, 2008 4:27 PM


Anonymous said...

And now the rumors are rife in the NAGE office that NAGE is looking to "absorb" 888. Frying pan into the fire! We can't let this happen -- there has to be accountability and transparency in 888. Now!

Anonymous said...

It should be Tina Hardy who was let go in Oct however after Alyce Scanlon was had surgery for a life threatining illness they brought Tina back until Alyce came back however when Alyce was ready to return she was told that there was no work for her to perform. hmmmm what happened to her job that waws just being covered? The whole place is just a cover up for no show presidents and management staff!

Anonymous said...

You have to e-mail the info from this blog to all City of Boston members -- City Hall, Public Health, Police Dept, Guild, DND, etc and all other units where you can find e-mail addresses -- Quincy city hall and school dept, Brockton, Weymouth, state unit 2, etc etc. If the membership just knew of the financial mismanagement alone, they would through Susana out. Never mind the total mismanagement of staff, the crazy MRC, the absolute abandonment of even a pretense of representation, the lack of any - and I mean any -- serious assistance for contract negotiations, on and on and on. I heard that Brenda Rodriques has now also left the staff. I met her at a stewards meeting last year and thought she was a smart, dedicated union activist -- no wonder she only lasted on staff for three or four months. Under Segat, our union has become a total embarassment. E-mail out the blog info and lets change 888 !!! said...

Dear Anonymous,

We are trying to do just that.
1. Email addreses are hard to come by. We have been denied access to the mailing list by 888. They will never give us an email list.
2. We did a mass email to about 800 members yesterday. And we are actively pursuing more email addresses every day.
3. If you have any email addresses please send them to us ASAP. You can send them to
I promise you complete confidentiality if you do so.
Or perhaps better you can create a ficticious email account to send from. said...

Also if you go to the candidate page of our website. You will see that Brenda Rodrigues is running as a candidate with our team.

(And she is everything you said and more!)

Anonymous said...

This comes as no surprise - at my place of employment, we have been saying this for years. I expect to file a grivence soon. Makes me feel warm and comfy knowing that my hard earned money, that contributes to my high Union dues, will not be available to help me but rather help supplement a $20,000 raise. Cannot remember the last time we got a raise and our contract expired in 06. Our shop has a stewart that has not a bit of training. Last time we saw someone from the Union hmmmmm, let me think,3 plus years ago and because she was sharp, left as several others I have delt with in the past. What a way to run a business. A change is needed!